Craft your legacy
your genius

Say goodbye to having to follow social trends and unlock your creative potential without constraints. Experience hassle-free connections and ironclad protection on a social platform that celebrates originality.

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Why MiPi?

Want to spend more time in the studio?

Experience a unique social media platform with MiPi - the game-changing app that protects your work, boosts engagement, and saves time on self-promotion. Get the connections that build lasting relationships to keep consistent business.

Case Studies

Creator stories

Built by creators, built for creators. Their words about what we're baking 🥧

"It’s a huge relief to know that MiPi is constantly looking out for me and my artwork online, behind-the-scenes. I’ve never had a gallery offer that kind of service before.❤️"

"Love the ability to create a portfolio in MiPi knowing that my work will be shown uniquely. So tired of other social media platforms forcing me as a creator to copy other creations. Now I can post my artwork without worrying about 'will the algorithm like me?'".

"MiPi gives me that feeling of safety in promoting my art. A new level of security with its innovative technology. I can enter contests around the world and not have the feeling of my work entering these contests by other people that are not me. I highly recommend this amazing website. It alone is a piece of art! 😊"

Don't waste time any longer

Launch your armored masterpiece

Get started with MiPi today

Ready. Set. Create!

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